Homeschool Musical Mornings

Homeschool Musical Mornings is on hold. If you have a group of three or more that would like to form a class- please contact Jennifer Tuck and we can open a class!

Young Child Family Music Class Ages 3 to 6

 30 minutes with a Caregiver.

Sing, dance, jump about, and play rhythm instruments together with music friends and family in this joy-filled experiential non-performance class!

$45 a month + $30 Registration Fee (3rd or more child in a family is free)

Homeschool General Music 1A Grades 1st-3rd 

This class will sing folk songs and traditional children’s songs. They will learn music history by listening to great classical works and creating a Lap Book. They will learn about the instruments of the orchestra, and learn notes of the Grand Staff to play on xylophones and handbells.

$50 a month + $30 Registration Fee (3rd or more child in a family is free)

Homeschool General Music 1B

Students will enjoy singing folk songs from around the world. They will learn music history by listening to great classical works and creating a Book of Centuries. Studies include instruments of the orchestra, and learning the Grand Staff. Students will learn handbells in the Fall & either a ukelele or a recorder unit in January depending on interest.

$50 a month + $30 Registration Fee (3rd or more child in a family is free)

General Music Students will be invited to sing as a group in recitals or will present their own performance party.